Node Application 10673168141, submitted 2019-04-18 10:03:54

Respondent Id 10673168141
Application Date 2019-04-18 10:03:54
Application Language English
Applicant City Plasencia
Applicant State/Province Caceres
Applicant Country Spain
What languages do you speak? Español, Inglés, Francés
What is your occupation? Social Media
How many years experience in your field? 4-7
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? Graduated Secondary or High School, or equivalent
Please describe your experience in the Crypto/Blockchain space, if any? articulist and social media in different platforms of the ecosystem
Are you an individual or a group? Individual
Node City
Node State
Node Country
For which networks Have you ever operated a node?
What kind of improvements would you like to see in Elixxir nodes vs. previous the previous nodes you have supported?
What are potential setbacks preventing you from operating an Elixxir node?
What is a reasonable maximum connection speed on which you could operate a BetaNet node in your geographic region? (Where 0 = 10 Megabits/second, and 100 = 10 Gigabits/second) 100
What is a reasonable uptime estimate you can provide for your BetaNet node? (As a percentage) 100
Please estimate the cost of electricity in the geographic area where your BetaNet node will be running. . $180/year
On a monthly basis, how much time can you publicly commit to dedicating toward governance if you were selected as a BetaNet node operator? (Where 0 = 1 hour/month, and 100 = 20 hours/month) 100
If you were selected to run a BetaNet node, would it run on your own hardware or be deployed to cloud-based servers? Both
In what type of environment would this server be located? Personal Home
Do you have past experience deploying hardware servers in a datacenter? No
Do you already own sufficient hardware to meet the published Elixxir BetaNet node specifications? Yes (Please list specs)
Yes (Please list specs) machine16 cores & more high-end consumer GPU 64 GiB of RAM 500 1TiB of SSI disk space
Do you have hardware you would like to use but does not meet the stated BetaNet node specs? If so, please provide specs on that hardware below:
Do you have past experience deploying servers to cloud-based services? No
Yes (please specify)
Why do you want to be a node? Porque creo en las tecnologías BlockChain en general y en la plataforma Elixxir como herramienta para beneficio de los individuos y por extensión de la sociedad
How did you originally hear about Elixxir? Reddit
Which current Elixxir communities are you a member of? Telegram, Facebook, Twitter
Are you an active member of those communities? Yes
What specifically, interests you about the Elixxir platform? Original: Su trabajo por la protección de la privacidad y su red mixta que oculta al usuario de metadatos con su innovador mecanismo. Pero sobre todo poder trabajar con y/o para David Chaum a quien admiro desde que lo estudié Translated: Elixxir's protection of privacy and its mixed network that hides the user of metadata with its innovative mechanism. But above all to be able to work with and/or for David Chaum whom I admire since I studied his work
Outside of Elixxir communities, are you an active participant in other node or developer community groups? If so, which ones?
Have you ever attended a blockchain conference? If so, which one(s)? European Blockchain Convention Barcelona , CriptoMad Madrid, Anarchapulco Acapulco...
As part of growing the Elixxir community, are you willing to create content as part of operating an Elixxir BetaNet node? Examples would be node setup & on-boarding review vlog post, bi-weekly twitter update, medium review of on-going node operational process, etc. Yes (how much content on a monthly basis?)
If yes, how much content on a monthly basis? Indefinidamente elevado
What is the difference between decentralized networks and distributed networks, and where on the decentralization spectrum do you sit? Original: En el contexto de la computación se llama sistema distribuido a un grupo de computadoras que están conectadas entre sí mediante un protocolo de comunicaciones estándar y que trabajan como una única supercomputadora ofreciendo un servicio común. Los sistemas distribuidos se pueden clasificar en diferentes tipos dependiendo del número de computadoras interconectadas, el software que funciona en ellas o también por cómo se agrupan. Por ejemplo, se pueden conectar varias computadoras mediante una red de área local (cluster), donde todos los nodos se encuentran en el mismo lugar. Estos nodos pueden funcionar con el mismo software y es mediante un protocolo de comunicaciones local como se tiene acceso a cada uno de los componentes del programa en cualquiera de los nodos. Así se aprovechan los recursos de hardware y software de la red, e incluso, si se realiza la configuración adecuada, se puede garantizar alta disponibilidad del servicio y un poder de cómputo superior. Hay otro tipo de sistema distribuido en el que las computadoras de la red no tienen porqué estar ubicadas en el mismo lugar (grid o red en malla). En este ejemplo, se conectan entre sí mediante un protocolo de comunicaciones global y forman un sistema heterogéneo en el que los nodos de la red no tienen por qué tener instalado todos el mismo software. Translated: In the context of computing, a distributed system is a group of computers that are connected to each other through a standard communications protocol and that work as a single supercomputer offering a common service. Distributed systems can be classified into different types depending on the number of interconnected computers, the software that works in them or also how they are grouped. For example, several computers can be connected through a local area network (cluster), where all the nodes are in the same place. These nodes can work with the same software and it is through a local communications protocol that one has access to each of the program components in any of the nodes. This is how the hardware and software resources of the network are used, and even if the appropriate configuration is made, high availability of the service and higher computing power can be guaranteed. There is another type of distributed system in which the computers of the network do not have to be located in the same place (grid or mesh network). In this example, they connect to each other through a global communications protocol and form a heterogeneous system in which the nodes of the network do not have to have all the same software installed.
As best as you can given currently available information, please describe the value proposition of the Elixxir platform and how it differs from other current blockchain solutions. Original: El mecanismo de consenso. El único rol de Stake es asegurarse de que los nodos se deben la piel en el juego y tengan algo que perder al actuar maliciosamente. No influye en la selección de nodos y la apuesta es actualmente igual para todos los nodos, y garantiza que los nodos se incentiven correctamente. El protocolo de red de mezcla avanzada, cMix. Los equipos de nodos, una característica de cMix, se organizan en una cascada, listos para procesar secuencialmente las transacciones en tiempo real. El protocolo cMix proporciona un alto rendimiento, seguridad de la red, resistencia a los ataques y verificabilidad al mismo tiempo que preserva la privacidad. cMix es un protocolo de red mixta que permite el procesamiento por lotes de mensajes o transacciones con alto rendimiento. cMix exhibe una latencia criptográfica en tiempo real significativamente más baja. Un protocolo cMix adaptado para su uso en Elixxir forma un componente del protocolo de consenso general de Elixxir. El protocolo de pagos con 3 ventajas respecto a los sistemas tradicionales: La confidencialidad del usuario está protegida por la información limitada que se encuentra alojada en la cadena, Asegurar tokens en lugar de billeteras. Ponemos el ejemplo de que un ataque en la billetera se ve afectado el saldo de tus tokens y el mecanismo de protección hará que solamente uno de tus tokens se vea afectado, La velocidad de procesamiento de las transacciones, la propiedad basada en hash se puede completar en una fracción del tiempo requerido para una firma digital en las plataformas de blockchain tradicionales. Translated: The consensus mechanism. Stake's only role is to make sure that the nodes are skinned in the game and have something to lose by acting maliciously. It does not influence the selection of nodes and the bet is currently the same for all nodes, and guarantees that the nodes are incentivized correctly. The advanced mixing network protocol, cMix. Node teams, a feature of cMix, are organized in a cascade, ready to sequentially process transactions in real time. The cMix protocol provides high performance, network security, attack resistance and verifiability while preserving privacy. cMix is ​​a mixed network protocol that allows batch processing of messages or transactions with high performance. cMix exhibits significantly lower real-time cryptographic latency. A cMix protocol adapted for use in Elixxir forms a component of the general consensus protocol of Elixxir. The payment protocol with 3 advantages over traditional systems: The user's confidentiality is protected by the limited information that is hosted in the chain, Secure tokens instead of wallets. We give the example that a wallet attack affects the balance of your tokens and the protection mechanism will cause only one of your tokens to be affected, the speed of transaction processing, the hash-based property can be completed in a fraction of the time required for a digital signature on traditional blockchain platforms.
Privacy by Default is a goal of the Elixxir Platform. In your opinion, why is Privacy by Default critical for the future of the internet?
Tags Individual, English

welcome to community Elixxir, i hope we can work together run beta node. join the group telegram community Elixxir spanish

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Very nice. Good Luck.